
Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Waiting for Prince Charming!

Name : Hilda
Age: 82
Occupation: Waiter
Sex: No Sex

"Hello everyone!
My name is Hilda and I am 82 years old. When I was a little girl everyone used to tell me that I looked like a princess, and I did actually. I  had this blond curly hair, and my mother made me all kinds of nice dresses, i was beautiful. When i grew up a little, my mother started to tell me some stories; "The world is full of bad people Hilda, specially young men. They will all come to you cause you are so beautiful, but they will not love you, they're all the same and just want one thing. You have to wait my little princess, be patient and one day the right one will come, your Prince Charming!"
 And so, my dear friends I waited, a lot of beautiful boys came as my mum said they would, but none of them were "the right one", and so as I saw them come I saw them go too, I watched all my friends getting married, some of them would be happy forever, some not so happy, and sometimes i felt really lonely, but i stil had my mother, and she insisted that "Charming" would come one day.
 As the years passed, fewer and fewer men came to visit me, and the day came when no one came anymore and i got old, i lost my mother to the flu, but before she died she made me promisse to keep waiting for the right one, and that was 40 years ago.
 Then last week, late afternoon I heard someone knocking on my front door, it took me sometime to get there, "This house is to big for a lonely old lady, I should have moved years ago!" those were my thoughts as i walked slowly to open the door. And what a surprise i got , standing there on my door step, was a beautiful man, blond hair and blue eyes, tall  and strong and he had a box in his hands, "A present!" I thought, at last my Prince Charming! 
 He smiled to me, his teeth perfect and white, and he said something. First i did not understand what he said, cause i was so amazed and happy, and then he said it again, a bit louder, maybe he thought that i could not hear that good, "Excuse me Mam! Did you ordered a Pizza?" 


  1. ahahahah ;)))))que cena...só me apetece é ganir.....................a história é cómica mas fiquei triste. Tive pena da velhinha. A solidão é tramada por isso reformulo:BUAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA......:((((((((( ps: não escrevo em inglês, não consigo...não me lembro bem das coisas e depois fico limitada...agora já dá p'ra comentar acho eu, no youtube dá e antes não dava. estiveram a arranjar-me o pc-tinha vírus e agora já posso comentar-te isto.

  2. oh my god, poor old lady...shame on you, chico d' should have found another ending for this story...I admit, it's funny but solitude/ loneliness is a transversal issue nowadays: It doesn't choose victims by their ages-both young and old pay that price. I won't be exagerating if I say it's the cancer of societies. ps: sorry about the english...I found it on the streets, didn't know he could hit so hard...:p

  3. well, you've already drawn this old lady like all the other old ladies we find out there; now it's time for you to do something different: man+wolf=wolfman, so old lady+wolf=wolfladyold.hahahahahaha...why should old ladys be harmless???don't underestimate them.she needs a partner, right?so, she's got to go and get one ;))))WOLFLADYOLD(GREAT TITLE FOR YOUR NEXT DRAWING!!!CHICO D'ALDA INTRODUCING YOUR NEW NIGHTMARE....WOLFLADYOLD AHAHAHAH

  4. Ana you english is perfect, so keep on doing it in english:D
    I know I know, the story was suposed to be funny but it came out kind of sad sorry!!
    Big hug!
