My name is Morpheus... do not follow the white rabbit, he has rabies :)
But i am here to tell you about this 2 pills i got for you.
Take the blue pill and:
Welcome to the perfect world.
In this world, there is only good people, everyone haves hundreds of friends, in this world we all love each other! Welcome to the world where everyone is ready to change, the world where everyone is green and thinks about the environment, here everyone helps people in need, and is against classes diference. Welcome to the world, where everyone haves a farm, love animals, fight against cancer and all other kind of deceases, everyone is a designer, a comedian, a artist, a critic, and most important of all everyone knows better than any politician, here are the answers to all the problems, there is no pollution, no suffering, no hunger, welcome to Facebookland!
Now, take the red pill and:
Welcome to the world full of reality!
The world where no one is entirely good, friends are not more than a hand full and that is if you are lucky, here love is more and more an illusion, and everyone would like to change but is to complicated, so we keep on with our miserable life. We think about the environment but that is kind of it, cause we love to much our confort and luxury to give it up, we would like to save trees and animals, but we need our computers, our iPhones, our paper bags, we need to eat more than necessary, you see and because of all this we have no time to help the ones in need. Now we all would like to stop cancer and all other deceases, but in this world to share a picture or a status is not necessary, and so we still have a lot of people dying of it, Artists, Designers and Comedians are talented people that have been working for long time to earn their titles, so we dont have that many, we suffer, there is pollution and people die of hunger all around the world. Politicians suck like in any world, but still they are necessary and many of them more intelligent than any of us. This is our world, but is the real world.
Now you decide.
-Hello Morpheus.
Fuck off, red pill sucks!
I must admit you share a good amount of information regarding Blue pill.will take care of every word that you had mention here.