
Thursday, December 8, 2011

Sketch on a Template!!

So i finally got it right!!
After a lot of sketching, some headaches and a lot of HTML language, that to be honest is like space language to me, the blog has now got a new look :D
 The idea came some days ago, one of those nights where your thoughts are too loud and make it impossible to sleep, i decided to get up, away from the warmth of my bed and start sketching a new template for MendesSketchbook. I wanted it to be more dynamic, like something is happening around the posts, so i drew myself, a litte bit thiner than i actually am (well if you are going to draw yourself, you might as well make it look good :) ), a space monkey, a tree and some birds. Yes! -i was really happy with the result, but then came the difficult part, making it work as a background on blogger, everything went wrong and i could not come back to the old style, OOOOOHHHH MY GOD HELP! This is what happens when people think they can do everything themselves, the same people i complain about all the time, cause they think they can do my work (Graphic Design) using paint or microsoft word. So i had to get some advice from my dear friend Mathias who is a professional geek,  and that way we got a happy ending.
 Well this time i have no need to post a picture, cause the sketch is all over the template, so i hope you enjoy the sketch and the new look, and i promisse not to be like Facebook that changes every damn week :D



  1. Flot lavet.
    Af skade bliver man klog :D Der er ingen skam i at spørge andre til råds.

    Mht at tegne sig selv... Jeg plejer blot at kopier Cookie Monster!


    P.s er det muligt at du kan lave sproget om til engelsk - således knapper er til at forstå for os, der endnu ikke er flydende ud i det portugisiske? :D

  2. Done my Friend!!
    P:s Cookie Monster er også bare fantastisk!!

  3. Very cool. Creative and typical you, and that's the beauty of it :-)

