
Thursday, February 9, 2012

Bullying a Superhero!!

Superman, real name Clark Kent, talks about his and other heroes childhood.

" Well our childhood was nothing funny and great as many would think it was. We where not that good accepted in school, you see mine and Bruce parents where kind of good friends, and they had this weird idea of fashion, so my mum did my hair everyday before i went to school, so i had to go with this little curl on my forehead, so did Bruce's mom but he bought this mask and used it to hide it as soon as he was away from her. And as if it was not enough, they made us walk around with this kind of underwear over our pants and capes. 

Bruce was all into computers and technology, and back then, if you where like that, people would call you a nerd. There were three kids more; Bob was huge and green, and he could not talk, he always made the same sound, something like "hulk". He was a really good kid, but he had big problems with his temper and when he lost it... oh man! He would break everything around him. Then there was Anung Un Rama, he came from another country - and we just called him Rama. He was all red, had a tale and horns, he used to cut them because he was tired of people saying he came from hell. And the last one was Pete, he was an orphan and lived with his uncle and aunt. They were poor and could not afford much, so his aunt used to sew his cloths.

 Well we were all different for different reasons, but the kids at school could not understand it, so they called us all kinds of names, they put us appart, we could never play with them, in sports we were always the last to be picked for the football teams and sometimes they even beat us. It was really sad.

 When we came of age, we decided to use our "difference" to make "The difference", and so we started to haunt down bullies and bad people to help the cops. Hulk had a difficult time, cause sometimes he lost his nerves and destroyed more than he helped, but we were always there to help him calm down and later he gained control.  Most of the bad guys that we found were the bullies from school, the ones that had beaten us up and made our life miserable. They had grown to become criminals and loosers. Suddenly we were all famous, people wanted to be like us, they dressed like us, some even made plastics to get horns like "Hell Boy" or painted their bodies green. We could not believe it, us; the kids no one liked, the uncool ones were now heroes and the coolest ones in the World. We even inspired some people to start a special school something called "X-Man" or something like that.

 But the hard times we had at school we will never forget. So a message to the bullies out there; "Behave, or we are coming after you!"

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