
Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Sketching Pank!

I have decided for a longtime to not have Idols, my last idol blowed his own head with a shotgun!
 So i don't have idols but i still have some people that i admire very much. Some time ago i came across a piece of art on Platform 4's wall, it was from this danish artist called Lars Pank and it was really good, really really good. There was something special on his work, something that i love in art, i knew that from that day on i would recognize any piece of art that was Pank's work, not because he keeps making the same character or recreating it, like some artists love to do.No! Pank he creates new lines and forms in every work he does, but still his style is unmistakable, it's PANK STYLE!
 I started to follow his work pretty close, and sometimes even drove some km, just to take some pics of some piece i knew he did somewhere, later on i had the pleasure to meet Lars in person, and if i admire is work before, now i admire him also as a person! We had some healthy discussions about art and feelings around it, about street art, what it means? why to do it? why not? He has really interesting points of view, and can inspire with a simply conversation, that man his a real Artist.

That is why i had to sketch him, cause he deserves all the attention from art lovers, and Mendes Sketchbook is going to give him and his art a sketch and a blog entry :) My sketch is poor compared to what Pank is capable of, but this is more like a Thanks!
 Thanks Lars for making Aalborg and the world more colorful, for showing people that street art is not just about tags and criminals, and for bringing that same art a level up in our little big city Aalborg.


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