
Friday, June 1, 2012

Sketching a Child!

Today june 1st, is international children's day, and therefore i decided to sketch something allusive to the date.
 When i was a kid this day was a day of joy, we used to play all day, making paintings, games and other funny things to celebrate children rights. When i was just a kid, i didn't know, or didn't understand that while we were there celebrating, other kids were crying, starving, dying around the world. Back then  i didn't know, or thought about that maybe one of the kids playing with me, would be beaten later that day by a drunken father, i didn't know or didn't get that there were kids with no houses, kids with no parents, Kids that play soldiers for real, with real guns and real blood, back then i didn't know that there were children that were not children!

Help is still needed!

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