
Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Denmark or Cantmark??

Some days ago i read in a Danish newspaper  that they are looking for a date to stop the act of smoking in Denmark, as they already did in other countries like Finland if i remember right. They simply want to make it a crime, so get ready smokers you are going to get to be on the top of "Most Wanted" just after Hells Angels! 
 How can this be possible?? I am a non smoker, but i was a smoker for not long time ago, i stopped cause i choose to, not because someone told me to. The smoke policy implanted for some year ago, i can understand, and never was against it, but go as far a make it illegal?? When i moved to Denmark i remember i saw this land as a land of freedom. Denmark was known where people had rights, the land where people choose what to be, how to be it, and when! I know that rules are necessary, and is not that that we are discussing here, the thing is that in the past few years more and more laws appear to tell me what to do, what to eat, what to drink, etc... What is coming next??
 We cant be fat anymore, we cant be thin either, are they soon going to decide how tall we can be too? The color of my eyes and hair? Wait a moment, i have seen this somewhere, Oh! i know where, it was not this kind of idea, that that little psycho that they called Adolf, had in mind like not that long ago? No? Sorry, i might be getting confused here!
 Well i hope i die before the day that we all look the same, walk the same way, and have to ask permission to go and have a shit!


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