
Thursday, May 10, 2012

Tattoo for a Boy!

I was going to call this blog entry "A sketch on a Boy", but it would be wrong cause i am actually not a tattoo artist so i don't  sketch on people, at least for now :)
 Mathias Lost his mother at a young age, and he his been thinking about showing his love and how much he misses her, through art, art on his body. Some people would call this a cliché, but it is not. Some people, just like me love tattoos just for what the are, art on the skin, but some need that art to be special and have a bigger meaning, i think it is cool to show your feelings on a tattoo, something that is permanent, unless that it is the name of your boyfriend or girlfriend, that i would advise you not to. Remember Tattoos last forever, Love don't!  

 But back to the sketch, well Mathias is now old enough and save some "dollars" to get his first ink, and he asked me if i wanted to draw it for him. Of course i said yes, not just for the fun of it, but to make such a meaningful sketch and know that someone is actually ready to wear it everyday for the rest of hid life, it is a big deal. So we met over a coffee and a portion "Nachos" and he explain what he was thinking for the tattoo design, and so i went home and started sketching it, i am done now, and sent it to him, i really hope he likes it!
 I am going to post here some stages of the process, the final one is the one in black and white, but i could not let it go and colored it just for fun. 

I really hope that you enjoy it as much i do, Peace!!

1 comment:

  1. helt sikkert.. den er blevet super cool, og jeg er helt sikker på han vil bære den med stolthed
